I do my best to respond to emails within 72 hours; however, I do respond to each inquiry individually... each person is looking for something different, and it is my mission to make sure you feel taken care of and treated as an individual from the beginning!

So if it takes longer, please be patient, it is so I can respond with my whole heart!

let's connect

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Frequently asked questions:

Welcome to the damn club. I promise I’ll be more awkward and weird than you! Ha!

These sessions are so fun and not at all stressful. Most people find after the first ten minutes or so if being in front of the camera they have all their nerves out. But if you’re an awkward person, awkward might be captured and SHOULD BE because that you!  Don't let this deter you at all, most of us are awkward creatures. 


“What if I am super nervous and awkward?”

Everyone seems to be their worst critic when it comes to pictures.  It’s my job to capture the true you, in a flattering way. I’m good at my job and have years of training under my belt from some of the best photographers in the world. 

 So get out of that damn head of yours and trust the process! 


“What if I’m not at all photogenic?”

I like to think of it as slightly moody & real.

If you're looking to have body photoshopping, I'm not the right photographer. I'll do color edits, remove blemishes.bug bites, and a few other relatively minor edits - but my goal is when you look back on these images they represent the authentic you.


"What is your editing style?"

Same day!!  I send you off to lunch (my treat) and I go through and pick out the final images to show you... which ends up being around 60-70 images total you get to pick from.  These 60-70 are considered your full gallery. 

I also can help you narrow down images for any products you want!


"How long do I have to wait to see my images?"

I am pretty damn good at this.  Not just tooting my horn, but I am.  I think the years of working as a mental health counselor gives me a strong skillset of helping people feel comfortable, reading how my clients are feeling, and individualizing each session.  

I also have years of photography experience, have taking courses non-stop, including ones in other countries with some of the best photographers in the world. My client's come back year after year to work with me because of the full experience I offer, not just the priceless pictures they end up with. 


"Okay, but seriously why are you more expensive?"

I offer pre-payment plans to everyone, and can customize them however you want!  

They are 0% interest, and is a great way to break up the cost.  We can set them to be up to 12 months long before your session!


How do the payment plans work?

Obviously this depends on the type of session, but when you book with me part of working with me is talking about your vision of your session... and this includes my suggestions of outfits! 


What do I wear?


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